1 (edited by nitin.ingale08 2017-05-07 06:11:01)

Topic: boolean show Cation properties instate of Yes


I want to display the day name - Manday "Mo" in the grid table, instate of Yes.

For All respective Day colum it should
show its Cation properties

How to do this Sir?

Please see attach file

Also at footer i need to count number of "No" for each column.


Nitin Ingale

Post's attachments

Attachment icon boolean.gif 205.01 kb, 217 downloads since 2017-05-07 

Re: boolean show Cation properties instate of Yes


Please See Attach File.

Nitin Ingale

Post's attachments

Attachment icon boolean show Cation properties instate of Yes.rar 4.7 kb, 343 downloads since 2017-05-07 

Re: boolean show Cation properties instate of Yes


You can change value of field using calculated field, example:

CASE WHEN Monday=1 then 'Mo' else '' end