Topic: Error message when running

Hello Dmitry

For a few days, when I want to run an MVD project, I still get this error message :

Cannot open File : F:\Application\Bases\Fleurs sauvages\tmp
The process can not access the file because this file is used by another process.

And I'm stuck, the project can not be launched.
Have you ever been advised of this anomaly?
What is the reason for this and how can it be remedied?

Thank you for your help


Re: Error message when running

Hello Dmitry

For my previous post about error message, I've forgotten to say I used MVD 3.4b (last version)



Re: Error message when running


Your project placed in the folder "F:\Application\Bases\Fleurs sauvages\tmp" ?
Can you also attach your project and screenshot of error message.


Re: Error message when running

Hello Dmitry

Your project placed in the folder "F:\Application\Bases\Fleurs sauvages\tmp" ? Yes
But same response if I put it in in C: or another place

You'll find in attachment the project with a screenshot of two error messages

1 when I run the executable (Flowers.exe)
2 when I run flowers.vdb from MVD

When I got message 2, if I close VDB, I can fin in the directory of the project a tmp file (4193 b)

Most amazing, if I transfer MVD and my project on another PC, all works fine

For PC with error : Windows 10
For PC OK, Windows 8.1

I have to say that all was OK before.
The difficulties arrived without warning, without that I do or install anything on the PC at fault

Thanks Dmitry if you have any explication about this anomaly



Post's attachments

Attachment icon 1.24 mb, 431 downloads since 2017-06-21 

Re: Error message when running

Juste une information en passant : cela fonctionne chez moi sous Windows 10 64 bits sans erreur.

Ha... et j'allais oublier.... magnifique catalogue !!


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Zaza Gabor

Re: Error message when running

Hello Mathmatou

Ton post confirme ce que je pensais.
Ce n'est pas le projet flowers qui est en cause.
Je pencherais plutôt pour une anomalie sur mon PC.
Il faut que je la trouve

Merci pour ton test


Your post confirms what I thought.
It is not the flowers project that is involved.
I would rather lean for an anomaly on my PC.
I have to find it

Thank you for your test


Re: Error message when running

Hello Mathmatou

Ton post confirme ce que je pensais.
Ce n'est pas le projet flowers qui est en cause.
Je pencherais plutôt pour une anomalie sur mon PC.
Il faut que je la trouve

Merci pour ton test


Your post confirms what I thought.
It is not the flowers project that is involved.
I would rather lean for an anomaly on my PC.
I have to find it

Thank you for your test


Re: Error message when running

Hello Dmitry

About error message 2 (error2.jpg), I noticed a recurring thing : when this message appears when I press the RUN button, the project does not start.
At that time, I did not save anything from my project. I just want to test it.
But if after viewing the message, I save before running the RUN button, it works fine.
I use version 3.5b (26/05/2017). With previous versions no problems.
Maybe a bug?
Thanks in advance