Topic: Compiled project menu bar

Hi Folks,

When I compile my MVD project there is a menu bar along the top with "File", "Options" & "About". Is there anyway to alter this, or the options associated with it? I would like to remove the "Report designer" under "Options", and also change the information that appears when you click on "About".

Re: Compiled project menu bar

Hi Knobby,
Yes, you can change all of that - you can even replace it totally with your own menu structure. 
But it requires a script which, having read another of your posts, you're not at the stage of wanting to get into (which is perfectly understandable if you're quite new to MVD).
In the meantime, if you just want to remove the 'menu bar' completely, there is an option in the form properties called 'border style';  set this to 'bsdialog' (see attached screenshot).  Please note that you do this for the main form (ie the first form that is opened when running your project) and all other forms then take the same style.
Hope this helps,

Post's attachments

Attachment icon knobbyscreenshot.jpg 156.53 kb, 267 downloads since 2017-07-13 

Re: Compiled project menu bar

Thanks Derek, that'll do great for now.
