1 (edited by livexox 2017-07-14 17:03:09)

Topic: How to prevent MYSQL Connection Dialog box from showing up

I would like to know if its possible to prevent the MYSQL Database Connection Dialog Box from showing when the application starts. I know I can do this with a script but maybe there is an command we can add to the settings.ini to disable the dialog box from showing up every time a user opens the application. Please Advise. Thanks


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Re: How to prevent MYSQL Connection Dialog box from showing up

There is no way to prevent showing dialog box, you can do it only with a script. Why you need another way to do it?


3 (edited by anunez.sbc 2017-07-17 23:15:01)

Re: How to prevent MYSQL Connection Dialog box from showing up

The issue I have is that when I used the script the drop-downs in the forms do not display any content and when I use the DB Prompt everything works perfectly. (see image) is there a way to correct this issue. Please Advice

Re: How to prevent MYSQL Connection Dialog box from showing up

I was able to fix the issue.. Drop-downs are showing up the data now.