Topic: CheckBox bug


It is not possible to change the font colour in a CheckBox.

It is possible to change the font type/name, size and style but no matter what colour you select, the Caption/text is always black.

Kind regards


Re: CheckBox bug

Hello Bo,
It works fine for me (unless you're meaning something else).  Please see attached project and screenshot..
Perhaps it's a Version issue (I've tried it back as far as MVD3.2 and it's still okay).

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 377.97 kb, 406 downloads since 2017-07-17 

Re: CheckBox bug

Change of color is blocked by operation system from Windows XP


Re: CheckBox bug


I have windows 10 & It is not possible to change the font colour in a CheckBox !!

I have the version 4.5 MVD


Pierre Perreault

Re: CheckBox bug


According to Dimitry, Windows does not allow changing the font color of a checkbox ever since Windows XP. A workaround is to do the following. Erase the caption of the checkbox. Then create a label with the font and color you desire and place it next to the actual checkbox. The nice thing about this is that you can place the label anywhere around the checkbox (front, back, above or below).  The other option is to create an image to simulate the checkbox on and off. You will need to use a little bit of script to switch out the images based on the Boolean value.

Hope this helps.