Topic: Datetimepicker not saving the correct time

Hi Dmitry,
Can you have a look at the following problem please.
I have a datetimepicker field in my test application. 
When I ADD a record, if I set the date and time fields to be something other than the default date and time, only the date element is saved correctly - the time element is always saved incorrectly as the default time  (see screen captures 'dmitry1' and dmitry2' in the attached project). 
I then need to AMEND the record to correct the time element. 
Is there something that I have set up incorrectly?
I am using MVD 3.5.
Thanks for your help.

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Re: Datetimepicker not saving the correct time

Hello Dmitry,
Have you been able to have a look at this problem?

Re: Datetimepicker not saving the correct time

Hello Derek,

I had a look at you project and I have to admit that, without script, I don't see how to solve your problem.
I have the same behavior that the one you described.

Guess you'll have to wait for Dmitry.




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Zaza Gabor

Re: Datetimepicker not saving the correct time

Please read section "More information about properties "Calendar"" … icker.html

Fixed project:

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Re: Datetimepicker not saving the correct time

Hi Mathias,
How's things?  Thanks for having a look.  I was approaching it  from the wrong end (see Dmitry's response).  You use the 'time' part of the datetimepicker field, define that as your database field and then link it to the 'date' part.  I wouldn't have thought to do it that way and it doesn't seem very intuitive but at least we know if we need to do something like that in the future.