Topic: two database within 1 project

Hello MVD!

Pls help and give a sample of two database within 1 project.  Is this possible?


Re: two database within 1 project


You can attach other sqlite database file:

SQLExecute('ATTACH DATABASE ''testDB.db'' as ''TEST''');

using only by script:

SELECT TEST.person.firstname, TEST.person.lastname FROM TEST.person

Re: two database within 1 project

I threw together a quick and dirty project to demonstrate the use of an attached SQLite database as a second database using the commands Dimtry has shown. Keep in mind that to manipulate an attached database you need to use SQL because MVD does not recognize it in it's normal process.  I tried to somewhat mock what MVD does in updating the database.  Hope it helps

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Re: two database within 1 project

Thank You DriveSoft and EhWaganer...

It helps me a lot to my project.....

Thanks 3!