Topic: Master Detail Report Needed


can anyone help with a report for the attached project please.

On a purchase order record, there is a "Print" button that is used to make a printable version of the record being displayed. I need the print to also show the line items that have been added to the purchase order record. I have looked at the forum and the closest I can find is that I need to create a sub report but I have struggled to be able to apply that to my project. There would be one or more items added to each purchase order.

Can anybody help please.

Thanks in advance,

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Attachment icon 352.31 kb, 370 downloads since 2017-08-28 

Re: Master Detail Report Needed

See if the attached is what you are looking for.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Trackbook Master Detail 598.13 kb, 378 downloads since 2017-08-28 

Re: Master Detail Report Needed

Hello ehwagner,
that's great, thank you. Sorry to trouble you again but is it possible to place a total cost under the line items on the report. Thanks again. Really appreciate your help.

Re: Master Detail Report Needed

See attached.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Trackbook Master Detail Updated 598.08 kb, 397 downloads since 2017-08-28 

Re: Master Detail Report Needed

Hello ehwagner,
Thank you for dealing with that. I Really appreciate it.