Topic: Serial key With login screen and some customizations

Hello. I wanna make something with my database that i dont have the knowledge to edit myself. First of all i have added a login windows for the users to enter the program with which uses script. Wit this script i also want to implement the function for users to use a serial number to validat the program so i have found this one (included in the serial file) which also contains the trial membership function.
Now the hard part is that i want that edited in order to use it.
I want to add the function for the users to use their own serial numbers on the project and with using different serial numbers to have different durations for it. For example

function CheckKey(sKey: string): boolean;
    Result := False;
    if (sKey='FJKS-TJKS-WEEW-NMVV') or
       (sKey='NNMF-QPOV-FDDK-ZUIF') or
              (sKey='NNM1-QPOV-FDDK-ZUIF') or
       (sKey='VCJK-RGJJ-CWER-GHFJ') then Result := True;

but something like

function CheckKey(sKey: string): boolean;
    Result := False;
    if (sKey='FJKS-TJKS-WEEW-NMVV') then days=now + 30 or
       (sKey='NNMF-QPOV-FDDK-ZUIF') then days=now +180 or
              (sKey='NNM1-QPOV-FDDK-ZUIF') then days=now + 360 or
       (sKey='VCJK-RGJJ-CWER-GHFJ') then days=now + forever or something
then Result := True;

I dont know if this is possible to happen

If you can make this script for me and i can edit the forms after myself no need to get you to that, that would be great!

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Serial.txt 2.25 kb, 678 downloads since 2017-08-29 

Re: Serial key With login screen and some customizations

You may be confused as to the purpose of the keys. They are for your registered customers of your software, not for trial users. When your customer has paid you for your software, you give them one of the valid registration keys. Your customer then enters that key one time in a registration form in your project. This key is then stored in your computer's registry. This allows your customer to run your software on a permanent basis. The keys are not meant to be any kind of user login. It's there just for the valid execution of your software on your registered customer's computer.

I'm not sure why you would have different durations for different customers. You may need to distribute different trial versions of your software in this case. Maybe somebody else has another idea or solution for you.

Re: Serial key With login screen and some customizations

well thats not what i want to do.
1st of all i dont wanna use them as logins just as a serial key just my mind is set on something else.
I actually dont wanna sell my product but rent it for a specific amount of time. So if i give a client of mine his database to use i want to give it working for a specific amount of tme and when he asks me for a new key i wanna have the specific key already inserted so i can give it to him directly without the need for me to mess with the program again. So i need a serial number script with the extra function that the key will trigger a timer that will actually give the user a specific amount of time to use it,
I actually think of it an another measure for not sharing my program and his key to other users, even if he does it will expire sometime. The question is that is it possible to create what you would call a "long term trial" serial key to give the users to have?
I certainly dont have the knoledge to do that kind of customization in script but from the things i know that actually possible and possibly easy too , just not for me to understand and produce.
Any ideas?

Re: Serial key With login screen and some customizations

stelios91 wrote:

well thats not what i want to do.
1st of all i dont wanna use them as logins just as a serial key just my mind is set on something else.
I actually dont wanna sell my product but rent it for a specific amount of time. So if i give a client of mine his database to use i want to give it working for a specific amount of tme and when he asks me for a new key i wanna have the specific key already inserted so i can give it to him directly without the need for me to mess with the program again. So i need a serial number script with the extra function that the key will trigger a timer that will actually give the user a specific amount of time to use it,
I actually think of it an another measure for not sharing my program and his key to other users, even if he does it will expire sometime. The question is that is it possible to create what you would call a "long term trial" serial key to give the users to have?
I certainly dont have the knoledge to do that kind of customization in script but from the things i know that actually possible and possibly easy too , just not for me to understand and produce.
Any ideas?


If you do it like your way all Serial Keys are open inside the application. You can see them at the compiled .dcu file.

To have it save you need to encrypt them or to do a calculation algorithm to hide them from kids. Otherwise you can see these keys in approx. 3-6 months, depending on how much people are renting your software.

Doing it your way would make script kiddies happy. Without encryption and/or algorithm not a good way to earn money. Thats why I am waiting for a safer solution, like a good algorithm. Encryption would be hard to implement. The software comes from Russia. Can they implement encryption and export it?

Re: Serial key With login screen and some customizations

Just what I see: You don't have a time lock.

Give a answer to the following question:
What happens if a user change the clock at the PC?

Date now = 01.01.2022   
And the customer has paid for 30 days.

How long would your software work, depending on the start date which is set to 01.01.2022 at the installation and entering the serial key?

see your code.....

    if (sKey='FJKS-TJKS-WEEW-NMVV') then days=now + 30 or
       (sKey='NNMF-QPOV-FDDK-ZUIF') then days=now +180 or
              (sKey='NNM1-QPOV-FDDK-ZUIF') then days=now + 360 or
       (sKey='VCJK-RGJJ-CWER-GHFJ') then days=now + forever or something

Good luck  smile

Re: Serial key With login screen and some customizations

i know how it works and i know that if they change the date this happens , its just that would you like to run your ompany pc with a different date? would that be wise? lots of things could break down and also the question is not that, The question is would a man with no knowledge in computers that wants a program to help himself cou possibly think of doing that?
If you have a better suggestion now would be a great time to show it ! big_smile big_smile
and then ill love you forever <3

Re: Serial key With login screen and some customizations

Also i forgot to mention that im not gonna be publishing it online first and second each client will have a customized version so the keys will not be the same

Re: Serial key With login screen and some customizations

either way , i would even be happy if i could make the script with the serial key work even without a time limit .
The think is that i already have a login screen script and i dont know how to combine them to work together? is anone able to help with that?
there is the script i have already . how can i add the serial key function to it? can anyone help? big_smile

9 (edited by ehwagner 2017-08-30 03:37:29)

Re: Serial key With login screen and some customizations


Ok, I understand what you are wanting to do now. I put together a project to get you started. The first time the user runs the software it will ask for a registration key. I have an array of keys in the project. You can add to the list. Each entry has a three digit number on the end of the key representing the duration in days till expiration. Do not enter the days in the registration form (Form2), just the key. The days in the array are only used to determine the expiration date. The expiration date is stored in your registry so that each time the software is run it checks against and displays the expiration date. Once the expiration date has arrived it will notify the user of the expiration. The last entry in the array has a duration of '999'. This tells the system not to write an expiration date so the software will always run with no expiration.

For testing purposes, if you want to test various keys and durations, you can go into your system registry and remove the entries for your software. Obviously a savvy user could do the same thing and start over. So because of this, it may not be totally foolproof. One thing you could do is put an obscure name as the name of your software in the global variable APP_NAME so the user cannot readily find your entries in the registry. It will be more or less hidden to the user, but not to you.

Also, I do not have anything incorporated into the software for renewals of the software. Not exactly sure how to handle that. I have to think about that a little more. How many times can they renew?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Your App 584.23 kb, 559 downloads since 2017-08-30 

Re: Serial key With login screen and some customizations

well i saw that but something catched my eye. If you just hit X button on top without putting anything in the serial it just opens the form.
Is it my misunderstanding? can i also all on form close to terminate the program aswell?

Re: Serial key With login screen and some customizations

Good catch. You can either put in "Form1.close" on the Form2 close event. This will make the user restart the program. Or you can use the fix in the attached project which allows the user to begin using the application immediately after entering a valid key. But if they do not enter a key and 'X' out then it closes Form1.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Your App Serial 584.42 kb, 668 downloads since 2017-08-31