Topic: master and detail

Hello MVD.

Pls help me about my concern regarding on the master and detail.  i need to distinct or group the first grid on a particular column. how to do that.

Pls help thanks.

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Attachment icon Master n Detail 340.61 kb, 365 downloads since 2017-09-02 

Re: master and detail

Hi Manix,
If you show details from two different tables that have a one : many relationship (in your example, suppliers and orderhead) on the same tablegrid, you will always get repeating data.  It's not like a spreadsheet (like Excel) where you can group the data according to a chosen column.
What I'd suggest,if you want to avoid repeating data, is that you use 3 tablegrids (one for suppliers, one for orderheads and one for orderlines) and link the three tablegrids together (please see attached).
I've not had time to test it so if this approach is any use to you, you need to give it a good testing.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Master n Detail 342.57 kb, 413 downloads since 2017-09-03 

Re: master and detail

Ok Thank you Derek!

God Bless!