1 (edited by nitin.ingale08 2017-09-13 10:19:28)

Topic: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable


Problem: Edit it not working for EmployeeDB , Software and batch Time (Please see admin form)

Need solution: what changes I need to do in calculated field, so above table become editable. (Need right code for calculated field)

This problem is started when I added calculate field, please give me solution, I need this Trainer wise and Software wise load count.

Please see Deliverable Tracking form.
I had extracted data using calculate field and its showing correctly.

Trainer wise load:
I had extracted data to find trainer load. At selecting ‘trainer’, its counting, how much student with status, also its showing in detail ‘software’ wise and ‘batch time’ wise. 

Software wise load:
I had extracted data to find Software load. At selecting ‘Software’, its counting, how much student with status, also its showing in detail ‘Trainer’ wise and ‘batch time’ wise.

Please see attach file.

Nitin Ingale

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Sample ERP.rar 876.39 kb, 426 downloads since 2017-09-13 

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable

in table "EmployeeDB" you have calculate fields like this

(select count(id) from Deliverable where Deliverable.id_EmployeeDB = EmployeeDB.id and Deliverable.id_Software = Software.id) 
(select count(id) from Deliverable where Deliverable.id_EmployeeDB = EmployeeDB.id and Deliverable.id_Software = Software.id and Deliverable.id_BatchStatus = 1)
(select count(id) from Deliverable where Deliverable.id_EmployeeDB = EmployeeDB.id and Deliverable.id_Software = Software.id and Deliverable.id_BatchStatus = 2)

and so on...

there is mistake, I don't understand why you use a field "Software.id" in this calculate field.


3 (edited by nitin.ingale08 2017-09-15 08:09:41)

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable

Yes definitely there is mistake.
I use software.id to count software wise no of student with batch status of each trained.
Please see description below.
A)    Summary : Trainer Wise – Software – Batch Time
1.    At Group: EmployeeDB – Trainers
In grid, I call ‘EmployeeDB’ table to list down ‘Trainer Name’.
To know, how much student with each ‘Trainers’, I added calculated field ‘Cal_Total’, this will count from ‘Deliverable’ where it is connected. This give me total student.
(select count(id) from Deliverable where Deliverable.id_EmployeeDB = EmployeeDB.id)

To know status of total student, I added calculated field ‘Cal_NotSchedule’, this give me total count with ‘BatchStatus’ each id.
(select count(id) from Deliverable where Deliverable.id_EmployeeDB = EmployeeDB.id and Deliverable.id_BatchStatus = 1)

Up to this Ok, EmployeeDB is editable.

2.    At Group: Deliverable Load – Software
In this grid, using search button, I search above grid, in that ‘EmployeeDB’ table ‘Trainer Name’ is listed down.
To know, how much ‘software’ each ‘Trainers’ handling, for that, I search ‘EmployeeDB, and call Cal_Software from ‘Deliverable’. Now it listed down ‘software’  for each employee.

Up to this Ok, EmployeeDB is editable.

But problem start now.

I want total number of student each software wise of each trainer.

In grid, it’s properly showing software list, of each trainer handling, now to know total number of student, software wise….

For that, I added calculated field ‘Cal_EmpTotal’ in ‘EmployeeDB’ that is….
(select count(id) from Deliverable where Deliverable.id_EmployeeDB = EmployeeDB.id and Deliverable.id_Software = Software.id)

This give the result correct, but because of this, ‘EmployeeDB’ become not editable.


I want trainer wise software handling list and the total no of student software wise as well as its status wise.
And that is working correctly. But employee table become not editable.
In derivable grid, I can filter data and count data, but this become lengthy to summarise data and difficult to understand it at one attempt.
Thats why I created trainer wise summary. This give me complete picture.
What should I do?
Please help me.

Nitin Ingale

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable

Unfortunately I can't help you only with concrete and small questions.


5 (edited by nitin.ingale08 2017-09-21 07:38:25)

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable


I Need Following Report in Grid

1.    Trainer’s Student Load- Batch Status wise
Colum are…
Trainer Name List, Total Student Count, Not Schedule Count, Running Count, Break Count, Completed Count
2.    Trainer Software Load- Batch Status wise
Colum are…
Trainer Handing Software List, Total Student Count in Stoftware, Not Schedule Count, Running Count, Break Count, Completed Count
3.    Trainer’s Batch Status Load- Batch Time Wise
Colum are…
Trainer Batch Status List, Total Student Count in Batch Status, Student Count in Batch Time 9-12pm, 12-3pm, 3-6pm, 6-9pm

At selecting Report 1 - Trainer, it will show report 2 and 3.

Can Scripting will work for this, instates of calculated field,
If yes, then please give me.

Please see attach Photo, that will tell you, what i need, and did.

Nitin Ingale

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Sample ERP.gif 207.37 kb, 236 downloads since 2017-09-15 

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable


Please give me Script. to take output as shown in attach image.

Please help me, I am not able to solve it my self.

Nitin ingale

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Sample ERP.gif 207.37 kb, 273 downloads since 2017-09-21 

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable

I would like to try to help you but my system has flagged your download file as having a virus in it.

8 (edited by nitin.ingale08 2017-09-22 09:33:42)

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable


Thank you for helping, I have attach antivirus scan file, please see.

I think removing calculate field, creating grid using script will work.

Main grid table can be using calculate field but for two child grid table, we can write script in button.

Please try something to get such summary output. Please see attach Photo, that will tell you, what i need, and did.

Nitin Ingale

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Sample ERP.rar 301.53 kb, 451 downloads since 2017-09-22 

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable

I adjusted your calc fields. Your admin works now.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Sample ERP Fixed.zip 596.69 kb, 442 downloads since 2017-09-22 

10 (edited by nitin.ingale08 2017-09-23 07:50:53)

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable


Thank you, But Report giving wrong Result numbers.

Please see attach photo, In which original description is explain in detail.

Please help.


Nitin Ingale

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Sample ERP Output.gif 209.12 kb, 268 downloads since 2017-09-23 

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable


1. Have used Calculated Field In Software table: But becouse of this table becoume not editable.

(select count(id) from Deliverable where Deliverable.id_Software = Software.id and Deliverable.id_EmployeeDB = EmployeeDB.id)

2. Ehwagner sir help me and table become editable: But Result showing wrong.

(select count(Deliverable.id) from Deliverable
   Left Outer Join EmployeeDB On EmployeeDB.id = Deliverable.id_EmployeeDB
where Deliverable.id_Software = Software.id)

3. I added Deliverable.id_EmployeeDB = EmployeeDB.id to count properly but showing no change, but it should count.

(select count(Deliverable.id) from Deliverable
   Left Outer Join EmployeeDB On EmployeeDB.id = Deliverable.id_EmployeeDB
where Deliverable.id_Software = Software.id and Deliverable.id_EmployeeDB = EmployeeDB.id)

Please help.

Please find updated file in attachment.

Nitin Ingale

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Sample ERP.rar 302.16 kb, 426 downloads since 2017-09-26 

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable


Also find Sample ERP Database schema that show what I want, and doing.

Please help sir.

Nitin Ingale

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Sample ERP Database schema.gif 112.91 kb, 273 downloads since 2017-09-26 

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable


Please help me.

Nitin Ingale

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable

Can you circle the totals that are wrong in your previous picture and write in words what the calculation is suppose to be. I'm having a difficult time understanding what is in error.

15 (edited by nitin.ingale08 2017-09-27 17:27:22)

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable


Thank you,

A. Summary Trainer

1. Child Software table : Trainer handling software list is showing, In that I need the count of student, belongs to respective trainer.
2. Child Batch Time Table : Trainer's handing student status list is showing, In that I need the count of student belong to respective trainer.

B. Summary Software

1. Child Trainer table : Software handling Trainer list is showing, In that I need the count of student belong to respective software.

2. Child Batch Time Table : Software's handling student status list is showing, In that I need the count of student belong to respective software.

Child count is showing wrong result

Please see attach photo.

Nitin Ingale

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Sample ERP Output update.gif 283.4 kb, 241 downloads since 2017-09-27 

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable

Quite frankly, I'm not sure how the calculated fields worked before, but even though they worked you couldn't do the admin maintenance without getting an error. I'm not a huge fan of calculated fields anyway. There's a place for them, but in this case I think it is better to load the middle grids through SQL QUERY action which does all the summary counting inside the query. So I removed the calculated fields causing errors in the Admin maintenance form and created SQL QUERY buttons to load the tablegrids. Your search buttons are still present, but not used now.

I used your original project posted in the forum to do the modifications. Hope this allows you to move forward.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Sample ERP Revised.zip 599.38 kb, 440 downloads since 2017-09-28 

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable

Thank very much Sir,

One more last problem, please help,

A. Summary Trainer

in Child: Batch Time: the problem is, its showing all student batch status, Time Wise.

I Also need the Batch Time wise data of each software belong to trainer handing.

I added one more child grid to get software wise  Batch Time.

Please write SQL code for this button.

Please find attach updated file.

Thanks Sir,

Nitin Ingale

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Sample ERP Revised.rar 303.83 kb, 426 downloads since 2017-09-28 

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable

I populated tablegrid8.

in Child: Batch Time: the problem is, its showing all student batch status, Time Wise.
I Also need the Batch Time wise data of each software belong to trainer handing

I'm not sure I understand. Tablegrid3 is already filtered by trainer. If you want it further filtered by the software from tablegrid2 then tablegrid3 would be identical to tablegrid8.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Sample ERP Revised 2.zip 600.98 kb, 462 downloads since 2017-09-28 

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable


Thank you very much for SQL coding,
Your Valuable efforts makes the true ERP System.
Thanks again for spending your valuable time to help me.

Have a Good Day Sir

Nitin Ingale

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable


Is this bug?

Or we need to add some script to remove this below problem.

Header, Footer and grid line are get missing at 2nd ....3rd... time opening form.

because of this - I need to restart application, but 1st time ok, then again problem start...

please see attach photo for problem.

Please see your Sample ERP Revised 2 file.

Nitin Ingale

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Sample ERP Database bug.jpg 325.22 kb, 230 downloads since 2017-10-11 

Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable

nitin.ingale08 wrote:


Is this bug?

Or we need to add some script to remove this below problem.

Header, Footer and grid line are get missing at 2nd ....3rd... time opening form.

because of this - I need to restart application, but 1st time ok, then again problem start...

please see attach photo for problem.

Please see your Sample ERP Revised 2 file.

Nitin Ingale

Just remove this script

procedure DeliverableTracking_OnShow (Sender: string; Action: string);
    DeliverableTracking.TableGrid2.Options := DeliverableTracking.TableGrid2.Options + goFooter;
    DeliverableTracking.TableGrid3.Options := DeliverableTracking.TableGrid3.Options + goFooter;
    DeliverableTracking.TableGrid5.Options := DeliverableTracking.TableGrid5.Options + goFooter;
    DeliverableTracking.TableGrid6.Options := DeliverableTracking.TableGrid6.Options + goFooter;
    DeliverableTracking.TableGrid8.Options := DeliverableTracking.TableGrid8.Options + goFooter; 

Set option goFooter using Object inspector for TableGrids.


Re: Data Extracted using calculate field but table become not editable

Thank you very much sir.