Topic: Reference column on tGrid

I like to display inv DBCR reference on column labeled with asterisk. In this case (purchase inv refunds) Db.

When a purchase refund invoice/s issued against a purchase inv, Db text is displayed under asterisk column for the purchase inv with refund/s.
If purchase refund/s (there can be more than one purch refund for same purch inv, issued at different dates or products) deleted from purch refund tGrid then Db text is cleared from relevant purch inv record on purch inv tGrid.

Solutions were provided by Derek and EHW for different structure but I couldn't apply them in this case, where I'm using different tables and forms.

Please see the attached sample project below:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon DBCR Ref 11.9 kb, 351 downloads since 2017-10-15 

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: Reference column on tGrid

Looks like EHW or Derek are not available to offer their kind help for this matter at present days.

Dmitry, is the solution I'm seeking on my previous post not clear? If so, I'll attempt to illustrate again.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: Reference column on tGrid

If I'm understanding correctly, you need two things.

1. Include cbPIRpurchInvID combobox in your Save action to make the connection between the purchase invoice and refund.

2. Place a dbupdate for tgMainPI after you delete a refund in the tgMainPIR tablegrid:

procedure Form1_btnMainPIRdelete_OnAfterClick (Sender: string);

Re: Reference column on tGrid


Thank you very much.............
Truly appreciated...................

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.