1 (edited by AD1408 2017-10-28 17:45:36)

Topic: Editable tGrids Add New Record Issue

I cannot get tGrids accepting data when adding new record using Form1 "Add" button - People record in this case. They are part of People details.
Filling data on editable tGrid first row, then pressing enter key on keyboard or clicking other parts of tGrid doesn't commit record. First row stays greyed. Please see frmPeople in sample project attached below.
However, when show record action used (editing saved people record) same tGrids accept data.
My one cell brain just couldn't come up with solution.

Editable tGrids may also need clearing them after save of the frmPeople?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon EditableTGridsAddNewRec.zip 8.59 kb, 375 downloads since 2017-10-28 

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: Editable tGrids Add New Record Issue

Still couldn't come up with a solution for the issue on post #1 of this topic.

Basically cannot add data to editable tGrid.

Is this a bug for editable tGrid or I'm missing something?

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: Editable tGrids Add New Record Issue

Sorry for delay.

Editable grid is not support this in the current version, I will fix it soon.

