1 (edited by nitin.ingale08 2017-10-30 06:04:44)

Topic: need Course admission Count date wise


Please go Course admission Count botton.

Please see attach photo for detail explanation.

I want to count date wise course solds.

Please write a script in button to get output. or any other way.

Please see attach file. and photo for detail explanation.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/f5mak4jt73jp6 … P.rar?dl=0

Nitin Ingale

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Course Admission count.gif 88.57 kb, 198 downloads since 2017-10-30 

Re: need Course admission Count date wise


I have tried different ways using calculated field.
But output is coming as a blank 5 rows count.
5 rows is right for dates 1 September to 30 September result, but showing blank rows.

I think using sql script in button will work. I am not able to write sql script in botton to consulate data, to count course sold date wise.

Please help me sir.

Nitin ingale

Re: need Course admission Count date wise

I can help you only with specific question.


Re: need Course admission Count date wise

Nitin ingale,

I'm not totally sure what "Total Sell" meant. Since the search dates were defined to the student as RegDate, I assumed that you wanted the total count of students for each course within the search dates. One of the problems you have is that id_CourseDB within the StudentDB is empty for every record. Therefore student records and course records are disconnected. I manually updated the id_CourseDB inside of studentDB for all students with a Regdate within September.(5 Records). I defined a query button on the right side of the form to do the selection. It summarizes (counts) all the students for each course.  I did not touch your search button in case I have totally misunderstood your issue. See if the attached is what you are looking for.

Well unfortunately I just found out that your project is too large to upload. Here is the SQL for the SQLQuery button I placed on the form:

Select a.CourseCode,a.CourseName,b.Field,Count(a.id),a.id From CourseDB a 
  Left Join Field b On b.id = a.id_Field 
  Left Join StudentDB c On c.id_CourseDB = a.id 
  Where Date(c.RegDate) >= Date({DateTimePicker1}) and Date(c.RegDate) <= Date({DateTimePicker2})
  Group By a.CourseCode 

You will need to update the id_CourseDB in StudentDB or this query will not work. Whatever form does the updating is not updating the id_CourseDB. That needs to be fixed.

Re: need Course admission Count date wise

Thank You Sir,

Unfortunately I am Not understand ....

"  I manually updated the id_CourseDB inside of studentDB for all students with a Regdate within September.(5 Records). and
a, b, and c in  SQLQuery button "

Meaning of a, b, c and manually updated.

Sorry for that...

You are right -- student records and course records are disconnected.

it is connected at  "AddCourses"

I have updated form, just now how to consulate Grid Data? using SQLQuery button

Please see updated file in attachment.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/f5mak4jt73jp6 … P.rar?dl=0

Please empty Backup folder to upload file. if Necessary...

Nitin Ingale

Re: need Course admission Count date wise

See attached. I created the Query button and I changed your script to click on the Query button when clicking on the main search button. Your search button is untouched.  I had to remove the backup folder and your database in order to upload here. You will need to copy your database back into the app folder before running.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Design Studio ERP Revised.zip 801.04 kb, 414 downloads since 2017-11-03 

Re: need Course admission Count date wise

Thank You Verry much Sir,
Have a Great Day

Nitin Ingale