1 (edited by manixs2013 2017-11-05 14:23:21)

Topic: Table Grid Column

Hello MVD!

I need a sample on how to hide column in the table grid. The remaining columns i would like to paste it in excel or export .  Then, unhide the column after pasting the records in excel.

I need it so much to my project.

Thank you in advance!


Re: Table Grid Column

Hello Manixs2013

I used this trick to hide a column  from a checkbox.

If the checkbox is checked then the column is hidden

procedure Afficher_Colonnes_CheckBox12_OnClick (Sender: string);     //  I hide Pages column
    Accueil.TableGrid1.Columns[11].Visible := Afficher_Colonnes.CheckBox12.Checked;

Here, column N° 11 (Pages) will be hidden.
Be careful, with delphi, in a grid, first column is 0.

Otherwise to simply hide a colum :

    Form1.TableGrid1.Columns[0].Visible := False;

Hope this can help you


Re: Table Grid Column

Sample project attached.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Hide and Export.zip 580.39 kb, 411 downloads since 2017-11-06 

Re: Table Grid Column

Thank You ehwagner!

Im Sorry! All i need is a sample of a multiple column to be hide

Thank You!