1 (edited by angel.neil8 2017-12-15 13:53:41)

Topic: unable to get the current username

Hello help me to get the current username i tried this but this  code is only working with form1., trying to save the records with current username.

form1.edit1.text := frmLogin.edUser.Text;   // this is working with form1 only

form2.edit1.text := frmLogin.edUser.Text; // not working

Re: unable to get the current username


Please attach your project.


3 (edited by angel.neil8 2017-12-15 14:00:42)

Re: unable to get the current username


Post's attachments

Attachment icon beginer testing (2).zip 363.41 kb, 306 downloads since 2017-12-15 

Re: unable to get the current username

Unfortunately you use cracked version of software.
Support is not provide for users who use pirate version.


Re: unable to get the current username

Hello i am using trial version