Topic: One table multiple grids?

I was trying to display data from one table on multiple grids (in this case two, phones and mobile)
I'm getting a blank line on secondary grid when partial data saved and vice versa. Even though each grid specified to display certain fields only.
Is there any solution without using additional DB Table?

Please see the attached sample project file:

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God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: One table multiple grids?

Hi Adam,
When you specify for each grid what columns to display, this doesn't have any bearing on the selected rows.
For that, you need to add a couple of filters in the grid settings ('number is not null' and 'mnumber is not null' would be one way to do it).
Please see attached.

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Re: One table multiple grids?

Hi Derek,

Thank you very much..........
Truly appreciated.........................

I was thinking using filter too but I couldn't get it working. I was trying something like table.field1+table.field2 etc. Silly me.
It'd be great if somebody could put together all various filters samples for grid for different situations. Kind of grid filters cheat sheet.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: One table multiple grids?

Hi Adam,
Glad it helped.
I frequently use tablegrid filters with multiple grids (provided I have space on the form, I prefer them to pagecontrols and sheets)  to show different 'views' of the data.  And when you combine them with options such as grid colouring, default field values etc, it can be quite effective - all without any script.  Or a few lines of script gives you cell highlighting too.
It's not a cheat's sheet but see the attached (basic view and then 3-4 different options for presenting the data) for the sort of thing I'm meaning

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Re: One table multiple grids?

Hi Derek,

Thank you very much for the parts example.............
Very useful, especially achieving the task with no or minimal script.

Truly appreciated................

Hopefully other members and Dmitry posts more grid filters.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.