Re: What to implement first?


I don't known how to thank you !! Really, this is a HUGE addition to MVD !! tongue

Thank you again for that Help System implementation, that's great.



I'm a very good housekeeper !
Each time I get a divorce, I keep the house

Zaza Gabor

Re: What to implement first?

Hi Dmitry,

If it doesn't require considerably big amount of time, adding a bookmark feature on Script tab page of MVD would help great deal on maintaining script.

Bookmark tab may be added under Object inspector or Structure. Bookmark command could be on right click menu pop-up of the script page. Whichever script line right clicked and selected bookmark command, bookmark added to that line then user types a name for the bookmark on bookmarks tab.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: What to implement first?

Please download latest beta version …

Now you can set bookmarks using hot key: Ctrl+Shift+[n], where n = 1...9

Go to bookmark press Ctrl+[n]


Re: What to implement first?

Hi Dmitry , can you check the possibility to "force" the same set of printers to each button? my Project uses a regular a4 printer to print forms, but a "sticker label printer" to print labels.
I allways have to manually choose between printers each time

Re: What to implement first?

VascoMorais wrote:

Hi Dmitry , can you check the possibility to "force" the same set of printers to each button? my Project uses a regular a4 printer to print forms, but a "sticker label printer" to print labels.
I allways have to manually choose between printers each time

Set for print button mode "Quick print" (In the settings of button)

Then create event OnClick for this button, where you can specify printer's name:

procedure Form1_Button5_OnClick (Sender: string; var Cancel: boolean);
    Form1.frxReport.PrintOptions.Printer := 'Microsoft XPS Document Writer';

Re: What to implement first?

ohhh... very nice

Re: What to implement first?

Got the Printer thing working perfectly on mine, used an Ini File to configure the printers as well, but i was wondering if there's a way i can print 2 Copies at once.
Many thanks

Re: What to implement first?

VascoMorais wrote:

Got the Printer thing working perfectly on mine, used an Ini File to configure the printers as well, but i was wondering if there's a way i can print 2 Copies at once.
Many thanks

Please download latest beta version …

now you can change number of copies:

Form1.frxReport.PrintOptions.Copies := 2;

Re: What to implement first?

Thanks, but quickprint settings doesn't seem to be working with sqlreport
is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?

Re: What to implement first?

VascoMorais wrote:

Thanks, but quickprint settings doesn't seem to be working with sqlreport
is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?

Fixed, please download latest beta version again: …


Re: What to implement first?

Ahah, thanks!!! smile

87 (edited by VascoMorais 2017-10-28 15:12:58)

Re: What to implement first?

hey Dmitry here's some cool ideas that you might think about implementing:

- Scrolling edit box

When the edit box has too much information, it can display it with an automatic scrolling to the left message box, like one of those led signs you see at the shops.
Might be helpful.

- Image with clickable areas

Had this idea when i was at my dentist office, he can click on tooth number 33 and add a note about it.

- Bars and Charts

I know you got report, but how about an internal way to get bars and pie charts?

- Custom menus

I Wish i could just add "print receipt and print label" up there... as long with save and other useful buttons

- Wireless barcode scanner

An option to use the barcode scanner automaticly without the need to have a form open.
THis way i can just scan a code and i can open the form automaticly, or even better , if i need to scan a barcode on the shelf and then the product i can update the location of that produt on a shelf.
This would be awsome

88 (edited by wenchester21 2017-11-23 18:49:23)

Re: What to implement first?


1- I think you could add within the properties of the button a call "Styleicon" or something similar, where you can change the design of the button icon ie Material etc.

2- The same with the calendar object, power between several designs of it.

3- Add an object (container) of the slider type where data contained in it can be displayed, for example, a Top of something

Re: What to implement first?

could you implement a way to either set a transparency , or make items invisible while inside the editor?
I have a bunch of "windows" on top of each others that turn visible inside the script, but it's annoying to see them in editor.

Re: What to implement first?

Hey Dmitry, could you implement a very easy thing and very useful for me?

on the Edit boxes you have "text hint" (the grey text that show's as an anotation on what you can type in).
Can you make it so that it doesn't disapear after we start typing? that way i could use text hint to "preview" all the possible search words (like on google when you start to type something to search and it shows an autocomplete prediction).

Can you do this please? smile

Re: What to implement first?

VascoMorais wrote:

Hey Dmitry, could you implement a very easy thing and very useful for me?

on the Edit boxes you have "text hint" (the grey text that show's as an anotation on what you can type in).
Can you make it so that it doesn't disapear after we start typing? that way i could use text hint to "preview" all the possible search words (like on google when you start to type something to search and it shows an autocomplete prediction).

Can you do this please? smile


Unfortunately the component is not support this. I just can't change it. For auto complete you can use ComboBox with property Searchable = True


Re: What to implement first?

of course it supports, maybe i explained it wrong
here's some pictures:

As you can see, i use a script to "preview" what's in the other fields while i am typing, but unfortunately the "hint text" doesn't show up if any character is on that edit box.

if you could implement a way to make the "hint text" allways visible , regardless of what's being typed , it would be great.

Re: What to implement first?

if you can't do that, at least let me be able to put text on top of edit boxes:

Re: What to implement first?

I can't make hint text and text visible in the same time.

Please create a new topic with your question and attach your project, I'll try to implement it in your project.


Re: What to implement first?

hello, is there any chance in the future, you can implement something like iframe? there's a numerous gadgets like speech to text that i might want to use, sometimes i'm writting a report where i could easily speak to the computer microphone and it types my notes

Re: What to implement first?


Speech to text function is not planned.


97 (edited by thezimguy 2018-08-10 07:44:07)

Re: What to implement first?


User double click a component.
The user is taken to the script page where the component event is written
User should be able to switch between events so that user can type his code

The following also come in handy
1. Menu Control
2. Timer Control
3. Status Bar Control

Thank you


Re: What to implement first?

Hello, DriveSoft.

It would be possible within everything you plan to implement in new versions of MVD that would give support to another type of database server, in this case I am talking about postgresql. It would be great, so you would compete with Lazarus

Re: What to implement first?

Hi Dmitry,
Please would it be possible to add "Copy Row As New Record" to the button actions in the next release?
Thank you.


100 (edited by derek 2018-08-10 09:43:34)

Re: What to implement first?

Hello Thezimguy,
Please find attached a couple of ways of copying records (and I'm sure there are many more too).
In the 1st example, I simply use different forms (one for 'add' and one for 'copy row as new');  I deliberately choose not to copy one of the fields to prevent duplicate rows (although it's easy enough to trap it before saving).
In the 2nd example, the approach is a lot more flexible;  the user uses a reserved key sequence and decides whether to copy a field value or not.  In this example, enter == in any of the fields to copy its corresponding value from the row highlighted in the tablegrid.
Hopefully this gives you some more ideas.

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