1 (edited by manixs2013 2018-07-31 03:17:10)

Topic: MAP change color of the polygons

Hello MVD!

It is possible to change the color per polygons just for identification or legends and if ever not in the code but in the color palette?

However, can we also change the marker icon,  Add Rasterize Images as layer for digitizing?


Post's attachments

Attachment icon Google Maps database many Polygons and PolylinesNEW3.zip 349.46 kb, 306 downloads since 2018-07-31 

Re: MAP change color of the polygons

manixs2013 wrote:

Hello MVD!
It is possible to change the color per polygons just for identification or legends and if ever not in the code but in the color palette?

Yes, please check out attached example.

manixs2013 wrote:

However, can we also change the marker icon,  Add Rasterize Images as layer for digitizing?


You can change the marker icon only using script:

  Marker.Icon := 'http://site.com/icon.png'; // Allows the use of an image as a marker. A local path to an image file or an url to a remote image file are both allowed.
  Marker.IconColor := icBlue;   // Allows changing the color of the default marker icon to one of the available pre-defined colors: icDefault, icBlue, icGreen, icRed and icPurple (Only available if the Icon property is not assigned).
  Marker.IconWidth := 16;       // Specify a custom width value in pixels for the marker icon
  Marker.IconHeight := 16;      // Specify a custom height value in pixels for the marker icon.
Post's attachments

Attachment icon Google Maps database many Polygons and Polylines with colors.zip 18.63 kb, 325 downloads since 2018-07-31 


Re: MAP change color of the polygons


Thanks MVD!

4 (edited by manixs2013 2018-08-01 04:34:02)

Re: MAP change color of the polygons

Hello MVD!

Another request for you to perfect the module is how to delete a certain polygons, even line in a region and to delete nodes(point).


Re: MAP change color of the polygons

manixs2013 wrote:

Hello MVD!

Another request for you to perfect the module is how to delete a certain polygons, even line in a region and to delete nodes(point).


Delete nodes is not support yet.


Re: MAP change color of the polygons

Ah ok MVD Thanks!

Re: MAP change color of the polygons

Hello MVD!

Is there a way to hide the nodes after save button then when edit button nodes will show again?

Re: MAP change color of the polygons

In this way you can disable editing

PolygonItemRegion.Polygon.Editable := False;

Re: MAP change color of the polygons

Thanks MVD