Topic: [HELP!!!] mysql query SELECT

Hello everyone.
I'm doing a query on mysql and it gives me a problem. There are text fields in the table that have special characters like "í" and "ñ". That's why I do not get results when doing the query.

I think of a way of solution, create a field where you can put the text without the special characters from a form, or when you enter the text with special characters save it without them in the new field.

Example: name_expecial: "Toño Año"
                name_normal: "TonoAno"

Re: [HELP!!!] mysql query SELECT

There should be no problem at all to store any character of your native alphabet if the database and the connexion are set properly: … c6a306e1e5

Re: [HELP!!!] mysql query SELECT


Tables in the MySQL database should have utf8 character set.
Maybe your database tables was created not by My Visual Database?
