Topic: hide Rows

hi MVD and Other Friends.
how can i hide or delete marked rows  automatically from datagrid.
marked rows see in attached snapshot.

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2 (edited by derek 2018-10-21 10:41:52)

Re: hide Rows

Hi Raheel,
There are a couple of ways.
The simplest is to hard-code a filter on the tablegrid (see screenshot in the attached example) using whatever criteria you want to filter on (in your example, it looks like where rate = 0).
I have shown 3 grids:  all rows (no filter), rows without zero rate (filter where <> 0) and rows with only zero rate (filter = 0) so you can see the different results with filters applied.

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Re: hide Rows

thanks derek, good work, but filter date time problem still remaining....
in datagrid works ok but in report not works.