Topic: Operation on tablegrid value


In my project I have two different TableGrid.
My goal is to substract the sum (footer) of one row in TableGrid1 with the sum of one row in TableGrid2.

I tried with calculated fields, but it does not upgrade when I add value in a TableGrid.

Do you have any idea ?

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2 (edited by derek 2018-12-12 17:59:48)

Re: Operation on tablegrid value

Hello Marcomvd,
Probably a number of ways but I think I would do it with a small script (see attachment) instead of a calculated field.
Hope this helps and please get back if anything is unclear.

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Re: Operation on tablegrid value

Thanks a lot !

I did not see in the documentation that i can access "footer" and "formulavalue" of a particular column !

