Topic: RTF and Tablegrid


the table grid shows the Rich Text in Raw Format, which makes it unreadable.

Is it possible to have the rich formated text in the table grid or extracted plain text?

Any way to edit rich text in a table grid like "normal" text and numbers?

Thank you.

Re: RTF and Tablegrid

Hi Teco,
Please have a look at the attached - it's not sophisticated(!) but it works.
I don't think the overhead of storing the same field in .txt format is that great (it's the .rtf itself that will, if anything, take up space).

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 337.53 kb, 340 downloads since 2019-01-22 

Re: RTF and Tablegrid

Hi Derek,

Thank you for the file.
Would be an option, but to see rich text in the grid would be more interesting.
Any idea how to edit rich text directly in the grid?
Extra editor fields for an selected row is possible, but direct edit would be a good feature. I have seen another software where it is possible to do so.

Thank you.