Topic: How to make a label clickable

Hi everyone,
how do you make a clickable label that is if you click on it open a site?
Thanks and best regards.

Re: How to make a label clickable

Place your label on a form and then create an 'on click' event (please see attached).
In the example, you click on the label and it takes you to a website.
You can do extra things to make it more user-friendly - in my example, I 'nudge' the label so it looks like it has been clicked, I change the cursor from an 'arrow' to a 'handpointer' when it hovers over the label and I add a text hint.
You can also do all of these things with images, icons etc.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 335.38 kb, 300 downloads since 2019-03-22 

Re: How to make a label clickable

Thank you Derek, Always very nice. I understood everything.