Topic: Options Menu

Hello, I usually disable the default form menus with

frmMain.mniAbout.Visible := False;
frmMain.mniFile.Visible := False;
frmMain.mniReport.Visible := False;
frmMain.mniOptions.Visible := False;

If the "Options" menu is displayed, there is just one option called "Settings" and clicking on that brings up a window with two tabs, "Database Location" and "Settings". Is it possible to still have this window appear but to disable just the "Settings" tab preferably so it is not visible at all but still have the "Database Location" tab and be able to use it.
Thanks in advance, David.

Re: Options Menu


procedure Form1_OnShow (Sender: TObject; Action: string);
    frmOptionsdbCore.TabSettings.TabVisible := False;