1 (edited by g0dmenuelz 2019-04-28 14:47:54)

Topic: Hi. How do I make data on a grid to show on a specific form?

Hello guys. I need some guidance from the experts here regarding how to assign grids or who can view them in my Paper Routing System/ Document management system project.

I am having trouble with assigning and making the grid show only for the specific person. For example on my attached project once the manager reviews the document encoded by the "Receiver" he can then select who he wants to assign the document to.  He wants to assign it to "Joelen" (employee1).

How can I make it so that on Joelen's form only the documents assigned to him will show? Thanks.

Also the login form is based on the http://myvisualdatabase.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1437 and unfortunately it is not working because of an error undeclared identifier at 32:36 so I temporarily disabled the scripts.

Thank you and any help is appreciated. smile

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Paper routing.rar 524.51 kb, 264 downloads since 2019-04-28 

2 (edited by derek 2019-04-28 13:32:52)

Re: Hi. How do I make data on a grid to show on a specific form?

If you want to filter by employee name as per your attachement, the syntax is employees.name = "Joelen".   However, hard coding in this way is generally not such a good idea.
Filtering by search using a combobox has the advantage that nothing is being hard-coded into your program so you don't have on-going maintenance issues.  It also means that everything can be achieved by using just one form (Form1) rather than creating forms for each discrete employee.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Paper routing.zip 609.41 kb, 294 downloads since 2019-04-28 

Re: Hi. How do I make data on a grid to show on a specific form?

Thanks Derek, The combo box idea is great.

Also the login system and the scripts is working perfectly. smile