Topic: How to turn a cell's color based on the dropdown box and date?

Hi guys I am working on a simple receipt project,

I was able to turn the cell to red based on a date (after 4days.)

I would like to add and override the color based on a dropdown box or status.

Let's say if the date selected triggers the color red on the cell, but it has a status that says filed then it will override it and turn to yellow instead.

also how do I insert a login password based on


but I have already created this project? Can I add the tables and forms separately?

If so may I ask  where on the script should I edit it. Thanks.

Love you all!

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Color Grid date.rar 296.54 kb, 350 downloads since 2019-05-05 

2 (edited by derek 2019-05-05 11:39:04)

Re: How to turn a cell's color based on the dropdown box and date?

To turn the cell yellow based on status = 'Filed'  and override the date criteria, try it like this (see attached).

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Color Grid 341.36 kb, 392 downloads since 2019-05-05 

Re: How to turn a cell's color based on the dropdown box and date?

Thank you so much Derek.