Topic: label font

Hello friends,

I was trying to change the font of a label using the properties tab in MVD, this doesn't seem to work?
Do i need to change something else through script maybe?

Thanks in advance!

Re: label font

Works fine for me (MVD 5.4 and Windows XP) using the properties tab.
Are you choosing an unusual font (not all the fonts that are displayed in the drop down list are supported) but all the usual culprits should work okay.

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Re: label font

derek wrote:

Works fine for me (MVD 5.4 and Windows XP) using the properties tab.
Are you choosing an unusual font (not all the fonts that are displayed in the drop down list are supported) but all the usual culprits should work okay.

Ahhh yes! Works for me now too, tried it with a few fonts that weren't supported. Thanks (again!) Derek for the ultra fast help!

Re: label font

Hello dbk, Hello Derek

Last precision
MVD show only monotype fonts