Topic: Button

Hello MVD!

Is there a way to set "Left Align" the caption in the button before to the icon?  By default the button caption is set to center.


Re: Button

Hello manixs

For button component, there are five possibilities to place the icon :
From the panel Properties of  your button, expand option Additionnal and from property
ImageAlignment, choose : iaLeft (default), iaBottom, iaCenter,iaTop, iaRight.


Re: Button

Thanks Jean

My query here is how to set the Caption Alignment to the Left not the Icon Image.. please Jean....

Thanks Again!

4 (edited by derek 2019-06-02 09:40:09)

Re: Button

Hi Manix,
Can you not just insert leading and trailing spaces before or after your button caption?  (see attached)

Post's attachments

Attachment icon manix button 334.48 kb, 319 downloads since 2019-06-02 

Re: Button

Thanks derek... I solved my buttons menus...