Topic: Language for boolean values


Have searched the forum but i didn´t find anything.

In a Tablegrid i show a field value of a checkbox in an column. It shows 'Yes' or 'No' depending if it´s ckecked or not.

Everything on my form including the tablegrid is in Swedish so i really want to show the swedish translation of 'Yes' and 'No'.

Is it possible and if it is, how do i implement it?


Re: Language for boolean values

Hi Hedan,
A couple of ways you could do it but I think I would use a calculated field (see attached example).

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 335.9 kb, 432 downloads since 2019-06-18 

Re: Language for boolean values


Just place this code between begin end. in the down of script

Translate('Yes', 'Ja');
Translate('No', 'Ingen');

Re: Language for boolean values

Also check out this example, how to completely translate interface and messages … ?pid=31489


Re: Language for boolean values

Hello Derek

Thank you very much for your fast answer and for getting my problem solved.


Re: Language for boolean values

Hello im new help me plz -
MVD community, I've a question hoping you can help me out.  Is there a   script for this :
When i selected a value in a combo box 1  display on a textbox in form2 when you choose the item in the combobox in form 2 ?
Exemple : combobox 1. form2= ali show in textbox.form2 = 250.00
                   Combobox 1.form2= omar show in textbox.form2= 600.00