Topic: mac address

how to change mac address into Numbers (integer) or Text(String)

Re: mac address

function GetFirstMacAddress return a mac address as string


Re: mac address

I want to change mac address example (a5:77:d6:8d:93) to any number example (8367767376825272)  is this possible??

Re: mac address

Hello dmitiry.. still waiting for your response.. I need mac address into numbers.. because I want to make some calculations with mac address...

5 (edited by derek 2019-07-13 16:47:13)

Re: mac address

Hi Raheel,
Is this the sort of thing that you want? (see attached)

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 335.64 kb, 314 downloads since 2019-07-13 

Re: mac address

thanks derek.. its very useful

Re: mac address

hello derek.. have you sample project of pos. shop software

Re: mac address

Sorry, I've never done anything like POS before.