Topic: Regular imports from excel

I am looking for a database software for tracking my students grades and performance. I tried learning LibreOffice Base but found it to be too difficult for me.

I want to be able to enter student grades in excel and then import it into the software.

Does your software allow for easy imports from Excel? I don't want to enter student grades individually in the software because that takes too much time. It is easier to use excel while I am in class.


Re: Regular imports from excel

Hi Dustin,
It's possible to import data into MVD either directly from Excel or as a CSV saved from Excel.  How easy it is depends on your data structure but it's a one-off set up and after that, you just click a button.
But it might be worth you investigating MVD a bit further - entering data directly into MVD doesn't have to take any longer than Excel (it could just be the familiarity of Excel over something new).
You can actually use MVD rather like Excel with an editable tablegrid (but you wouldn't really be playing to its strengths).  Depending on how you structure your application and how you design your forms, data input can be quick and data validation is relatively easy to set up.
Attached is a dummy project that I knocked up to give you a quick feel for things you can do with MVD.  Just open the .vdb file in MVD and then run it.
I've arbitrarily shown a left hand tablegrid with School Weeks and a right hand tablegrid with Pupils.  Click on rows in either tablegrid to display the relevant information in the middle tablegrid.
I've chosen to enter data by school week no' - to add a record, just click the 'add' button and select from the comboboxes (which are all searchable so, for example, just typing a couple of characters quickly finds the relevant entry).
Hopefully, this gives you some ideas,

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