1 (edited by manixs2013 2019-08-31 00:09:30)

Topic: tablegrid check box

Hello MVD

Is there a plan to put check box on the tablegrid rather than putting it on the hard code?



Re: tablegrid check box


Added. Please download latest beta version
https://www.dropbox.com/s/53bhjcbbu6jr3 … a.zip?dl=0


3 (edited by manixs2013 2019-09-02 23:23:55)

Re: tablegrid check box

Thanks MVD!

By the way please help on to how use it?


4 (edited by thezimguy 2019-09-03 08:27:01)

Re: tablegrid check box

DriveSoft wrote:


Added. Please download latest beta version
https://www.dropbox.com/s/53bhjcbbu6jr3 … a.zip?dl=0

This is great.
Five stars to DriveSoft.
It will also be very nice if there is an option for the delete button to delete all checked in tableGrid without hard code.
I hope Dmtry will consider this.
Thank you


Re: tablegrid check box

I think the 5.6 update will be great. Big ups Dmitry.
I hope you will consider the suggestion above.

Re: tablegrid check box

Hello MVD!

I need a sample of this module... I cant find new properties added on the tablegrid to take effect this request. I dont know what to do please!


Re: tablegrid check box

manixs2013 wrote:

Hello MVD!

I need a sample of this module... I cant find new properties added on the tablegrid to take effect this request. I dont know what to do please!



Post's attachments

Attachment icon checkbox.jpg 107.43 kb, 140 downloads since 2019-09-03 


Re: tablegrid check box

hello MVD

Please help! I can't use the function on the tablegrid to filer a desired records being being cheched. If ever, i need a sample..


Re: tablegrid check box

manixs2013 wrote:

hello MVD

Please help! I can't use the function on the tablegrid to filer a desired records being being cheched. If ever, i need a sample..


Please explain this problem in more details.


Re: tablegrid check box

DriveSoft wrote:
manixs2013 wrote:

hello MVD

Please help! I can't use the function on the tablegrid to filer a desired records being being cheched. If ever, i need a sample..


Please explain this problem in more details.

Hello MVD!.

I have a field which is define as Yes or No. Now, In the structure i set it as a boolean. Now on the display in the tablegrid by default it is drop down yes or no.. I wanted, it should be displayed as checkbox without hard coding.

I have downloaded several samples in the forum but the design was created in hard code.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon Capture.PNG 5.72 kb, 129 downloads since 2019-09-08 

Re: tablegrid check box

In the current version you can add a checkbox column without relationship with database field.


Re: tablegrid check box

Hello MVD!

I cant really understand how to use the new checkbox component... please give us sample.


Re: tablegrid check box

Hello Manixs, Hello Dmitri

Perhaps this can be useful

procedure Form1_TableGrid1_OnChange (Sender: string);
    Form1.TableGrid1.Columns.InsertCheckBoxColumn(0);  // Put a checkbox in the column 1