Topic: SAVE AS function

hello sir.... is it possible to edit and SAVE AS a file after selecting from a table grid..? when it is very helpful the new data is very little difrence from a old data in the table grid..

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Re: SAVE AS function


I made script for button save:

procedure frmStudent_Button13_OnClick (Sender: string; var Cancel: boolean);
     frmStudent.bSave.dbGeneralTableId := -1;

but make duplicate only about student,  not about Test, Debt and Exam

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Re: SAVE AS function

sir the details contain in dept, exam, test not include in the new save.... i dont want change that details, but i want remain using the sub data without change... i change only the student field...   any posibility?

Re: SAVE AS function

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Re: SAVE AS function

sir , if trying to save ,i got a Error Msg "FOREIGN KEY'' constraint failed.


Re: SAVE AS function

Please, let me know the exact order of your actions that cause the error.
And your version of My Visual Database.



Re: SAVE AS function

sir now the error msg disappear... but the table grid data not saved with parent data. produce only the duplicate of text field . table grid become empy.?....

Re: SAVE AS function

Please, send me your project to
with exe file.
