Topic: TWebBrowser OnClick Event

I'm trying to build an application that has an embedded browser using TWebBrowser and I need to know the link that the user click inside the website. it seems that OnClick event is not available on MVD, I get an error message "Undeclared Identifier" is there a way to get this info another way. Please Advise.

    Web := TWebBrowser.Create(Form1);
    TWinControl(Web).Parent := Form1.Panel2;
    Web.Width := Form1.Panel2.Width;
    Web.Height := Form1.Panel2.Height;
    Web.Align := alClient;
    Web.Silent := 1;
    Web.TheaterMode := 1;   //ocupies entire screen
    Web.RegisterAsDropTarget :=1;    //allow to drag and drop
    Web.RegisterAsBrowser :=1;
    Web.StatusBar := 0;
    Web.ToolBar :=0;
    Web.MenuBar :=0;
    Web.OnStatusTextChange := @WebOnStatusTextChange;
    Web.OnClick := @OnClick;     // <=== this is not working
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Re: TWebBrowser OnClick Event

Unfortunately TWebBrowser doesn't have event OnClick
