1 (edited by agusecc 2019-10-15 21:53:21)

Topic: How do I write thousands of numbers in a field and see the separation

How do I write thousands of numbers in a field and see the separation directly when I type? example I write the number 15000000, and I want to see the number is 15,000,000 when I type that number?
thank you ..

Post's attachments

Attachment icon separation.PNG 19.03 kb, 222 downloads since 2019-10-15 

2 (edited by sibprogsistem 2019-10-16 04:57:24)

Re: How do I write thousands of numbers in a field and see the separation


Post's attachments

Attachment icon Безымянный.png 79.74 kb, 225 downloads since 2019-10-16 

Re: How do I write thousands of numbers in a field and see the separation

Thanks sibprogsistem for your replay but that's not what I meant...

4 (edited by derek 2019-10-21 12:33:01)

Re: How do I write thousands of numbers in a field and see the separation

Hello Agusecc,
Perhaps try it like this (see attached).
But because you want to have the formatting displayed 'real time', I think you also need to hold the value without it's formatting (form1.edit3 - hidden).
Both fields need to be saved to your table (form1.edit2 as the formatted version and form1.edit3 as the unformatted version which you would need to use if you need to perform calculations).
I haven't allowed for formatting > 99,999,999 nor have I allowed for reworking the formatting when a number previously entered, is reduced (but it's much the same logic).

Post's attachments

Attachment icon realtime formatting.zip 336.74 kb, 479 downloads since 2019-10-21 

Re: How do I write thousands of numbers in a field and see the separation

agusecc wrote:

How do I write thousands of numbers in a field and see the separation directly when I type? example I write the number 15000000, and I want to see the number is 15,000,000 when I type that number?
thank you ..

You should use type CURRENCY for data of this field, where you can enable formatting.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Untitled.png 15.35 kb, 226 downloads since 2019-10-23 


Re: How do I write thousands of numbers in a field and see the separation

Also you can enable formating directly for the component

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Untitled2.png 13.54 kb, 215 downloads since 2019-10-23 


Re: How do I write thousands of numbers in a field and see the separation

Thanks Derek and Drivesoft I  understand....