Topic: need to display child record related to parent id with SQL query

need to display child record related to parent id with SQL query

I have parent table with named Students and
Child record related to their fees in multiple installments wise

fees are 5000
and he is paying the same amount in 3 installments/times

so I have two table grids parents on the main form and the second one is in child form

if he paying 1st amount 2000 from 5000

then the status will show using combo (still payment is unpaid and remaining fees is 3000)

and the same status will display in parent table gride

and the user can search the students with payment status wise
and show it still payment is unpaid and total paid 2000 from 5000 and remaining fees are 3000 and payment status is Unpaid

Please Give an example created with this algorithm

Re: need to display child record related to parent id with SQL query

Perhaps you could try doing it like this (please see attached).

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