Topic: Date Time Picker using MVD 6.2

I have hit a strange problem which only has become apparent after I installed v6.2 .

I have a form on which is placed a  Page Control. This control has three tabs.

On tab 2, along with some edit boxes and labels I have placed a Date Time Picker. The picker is appearing on all three tab layouts instead of just the layout of tab 2.

I don't recall this happening with the earlier builds of MVD.

I'm assuming that to solve this problem I'll have to instantiate the date time picker in code rather than from design time or delve into the Forms.xml file and physically move the control into the Tab 2 group.

Any thoughts?

On a clear disk you can seek forever

Re: Date Time Picker using MVD 6.2

I've just mocked up a quick test (1 form, 1 page control, 3 tab-sheets, different types of objects placed on all 3 tab-sheets) and I've not hit any problems using MVD 6.2.
If you upload your project, I can see if I can replicate the problem.

3 (edited by CDB 2019-12-26 17:56:40)

Re: Date Time Picker using MVD 6.2

Hi Derek, thanks for looking at the project.

It is still a work-in-progress. Just a warning, if you click the 'Add Order' button, your email client will open.

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On a clear disk you can seek forever

Re: Date Time Picker using MVD 6.2

I ran your project on older versions of MVD (back to 5.1) and the same problem was happening, so I don't believe it's a 6.2 issue.
I then changed most of the properties you'd set up against datetimepicker1 and it made no difference.
In the end, I deleted the field and then added it back and the problem corrected itself.
I have found when I've been making lots of changes to a form, that something odd might occur (but I would stress that it's extremely rare).  In those instances, I've just backed out the changes I've made and that's always fixed things. 

Re: Date Time Picker using MVD 6.2

If you create a field outside of the pagecontrol and then subsequently drag the field inside the pagecontrol it will be there for all tabs because it technically is not part of the pagecontrol. So you basically have to delete and re-create the field OR cut and paste the field while the pagecontrol has focus.

Re: Date Time Picker using MVD 6.2

Thank you both for your suggestions.

I was so busy trying to puzzle out why this had happened it hadn't occurred to me to go the simple route of just starting over again.

On a clear disk you can seek forever

Re: Date Time Picker using MVD 6.2

Please sample for clock time and date