Topic: Possible Error Datetimepicker or am i doing something wrong ?

I am using a datetimepicker with the Format MMM, yyyy and the updown property.
Clicking on the up and down arrows only changes the Month but not the year - and yes i have clicked it up and down countless times... ;-)

Anyone having an idea... ???

Drivesoft ???

BR Maik

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Attachment icon Datetimepicker.PNG 26.88 kb, 111 downloads since 2020-01-19 

2 (edited by derek 2020-01-19 16:42:02)

Re: Possible Error Datetimepicker or am i doing something wrong ?

Hi Lupo,
When you define it as MMM YYYY you are creating 2 discrete parts to datetimepicker1.
So you need to click on the MMM part of datetimepicker1 to change the month and click on the YYYY part of datetimepicker1 to change the year (clicking on the up arrow will change the month from December to January but does not change the year at the same time).

Post's attachments

Attachment icon lupo mmm yyyy.jpg 193.39 kb, 135 downloads since 2020-01-19 

Re: Possible Error Datetimepicker or am i doing something wrong ?

Ahhh, okay i see...

Thank you for the reply... but it would be nice if changing the month from januar to december would also change the month...

Have a nice day
