Topic: suggestion of a quick but useful addition

Hi there, I have just recently purchased this product as it looked really good, but one small but very annoying missing feature is to restore (or start) the "My Visual Database" program up in the same location and size as when closed.
It keeps on opening up full-screen, and that is not how I like it to behave.
Could this please be fixed, so that the layout/environment is as I choose? Cheers.


Re: suggestion of a quick but useful addition


In current version you can do it using script.
Here you can download example:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Save Load Form size and 4.51 kb, 530 downloads since 2014-11-07 


Re: suggestion of a quick but useful addition

I had a quick look at the script and i'm not certain, but it looks like this is for apps that are created with MVD, is this right?  My question/suggestion was for the MVD program (the designer/IDE) itself.  Would the same script work for this by setting the APP_NAME constant to your program name (i.e. My Visual DataBase)? Cheers.


Re: suggestion of a quick but useful addition

Sorry, did not understand you correctly )

I did it for a project of My Visual Database, anyway thank you for suggestion.
