Topic: Calculate between two rows (without ID order)

I cannot figure out a way to calculate the running miles between each stop during a trip.
Using the OD readings (16737 - 16641 = 96), etc.
The best example from the sample data provided, is trip ID 8 (screenshot) because the input for each stop is not in order (circled in red). Being able to allow out of order input is necessary for user corrections (or adjustments).
Note: The values in red are edits.

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"Energy and persistence conquer all things."

Re: Calculate between two rows (without ID order)

And here is the project

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"Energy and persistence conquer all things."

3 (edited by derek 2020-02-12 11:33:40)

Re: Calculate between two rows (without ID order)

Hi Joshua,
I've put a formula into the cflegmileage calculated field - please have a look and see if this solves your issue.  As part of this, I've had to add to frmtripdetail.tablegrid1 (but it's hidden with a couple of lines of script).  You also need to explicitly carry into frmlegadd (but again, it's invisible).
I also noticed that frmtripdetail.tbtripmileage and frmtripdetail.tbodcf aren't updating when you close frmlegadd - I didn't change them but just thought I'd mention it.
I've not had time to test any of the above so it needs checking (caveat emptor and all of that - LOL!!).

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Re: Calculate between two rows (without ID order)

Thanks a lot Derek!
You uncovered several techniques there that I have been trying to figure out. And I had no idea how to do that calculation with SQL either.  I really appreciate it!
I'm sure I'll have other questions along the way wink

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