1 (edited by v_pozidis 2020-06-06 17:31:38)

Topic: My Calendar

Hi to all,
I'm trying to insert an Agenda in my software. I found brilliant ideas but unfortunately my knowledge is not good in programming to include them in my program
So i decide to create a simply one using many fields of edit boxes for the hours
As you can see in my attached sample I have a month calendar and 24 edit boxes (hours) (I know it's stupid but ....)
What I wanna do is how can I Have the Hours in the table grid vertically and not horizontal and when the field is not empty it should be red in the table grid.
and another  when in the day there is an event it should have a red color in the day of the month calendar (if it's possible)
Or if you have an another idea please send en example.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon CalendarTest.zip 327.38 kb, 312 downloads since 2020-06-06 

Re: My Calendar

I did something similar a while ago but used a calendar object (showing all 12 months).  So instead of selecting a row off a tablegrid, you click on a date and then display the hours vertically.  Any days that have 'events' are then shown in 'bold' on the calendar.  In the bottom right of the calendar object, there is also a button that allows you to view all of the 'events' as a list.
Maybe this gives you some ideas.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 3x4calendar.zip 480.77 kb, 382 downloads since 2020-06-07 

3 (edited by v_pozidis 2020-06-07 15:05:14)

Re: My Calendar

Thank you derek.
How can I have results in a tablegrid with the headers not vertical but horizontal like in the  picture according my attached software ?

Re: My Calendar

I don't think it's possible to transpose columns and rows in a tablegrid.
The only way I could think of was to change your data structure so each row holds a specific date + time. 
When a new date is selected from the 'monthcalendar', your script inserts 24 new rows (one per hour) into the table.
The 'tablegrid' is editable but only for 'edits' and doesn't allow you to add or delete rows.  Also, the 'TIME' column is protected against changes. 
Any reminders are entered directly into the relevant column in the 'tablegrid'.  As soon as there is some text in any of the rows for the selected date, the date in the 'monthcalendar' is made bold.
It's probably not exactly how you want it but I can't think of any other approach to take - maybe others have different ideas?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon pozidis calendar.zip 373.23 kb, 353 downloads since 2020-06-10 

Re: My Calendar

derek and v_pozidis,
Attached is another option for an additional idea. The project I used came from Dimitry on the forum some time ago. I modified it slightly to include a tablegrid (tablegrid2) of the tasks just to see all the events in one place. You can click on a date on the calendar or click on a task in the task list to adjust the calendar and see the next 7 days of events and times in tablegrid1. It might not be what you exactly want, but it may give you a start.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon TimeTable using TableGrid.zip 348.34 kb, 372 downloads since 2020-06-11 

Re: My Calendar

Thank you all.
my skills in SQL and pascal are basics. ehwagner and derek thank you so much. I will try to transfer your excellent ideas to my software.

Re: My Calendar

Both examples are brilliant,

ehwagner a question for your example.. what if we have more than one appointment in the same day and in the same time ? can i i have in the same cell more appointments? and another question  how can I have the routine to get in a tablegrid the hours in  this order like your example ?

Re: My Calendar

Yes I knew that but I needed the previous solution. Thank you

9 (edited by v_pozidis 2020-06-18 16:57:45)

Re: My Calendar

Hi as you can see I am still facing problems with a calendar plan.
I add here my example according the  TimeTable using TableGrid..zip which is a brilliant example but I can not add it in my software. So I need again your help. In my example I have add two tables with a partnership in the timetable.  How can I store in the calendar my apointments. And if I have in the same day in the same time 2 ore more apointments how do they show in the tablegrid. Please HELP!!!!!!

Post's attachments

Attachment icon ExampleTimeTable using TableGrid.zip 339.11 kb, 373 downloads since 2020-06-15