Topic: Calendar _ how to do one

Hi as you can see I am still facing problems with a calendar plan.
I add here my example according the  TimeTable using which is a brilliant example but I can not add it in my software. So I need again your help. In my example I have add two tables with a partnership in the timetable.  How can I store in the calendar my apointments. And if I have in the same day in the same time 2 ore more apointments how do they show in the tablegrid. Please HELP!!!!!!

Post's attachments

Attachment icon ExampleTimeTable using 339.11 kb, 230 downloads since 2020-06-18 

Re: Calendar _ how to do one

The timetable tablegrid can only show two overlapping appointments in an hour time slot. You can have more than one appointment at the exact same time (not sure how that is humanly possible - lol, just kidding), but you will only see one in the timetable tablegrid. You can see that there is at least one appointment, but you can't split the cell to show the other ones. You can however see the multiple appointments in the appointment list (tablegrid2). I did modify the project to allow you to maintain the appointments from the appointment list for those situations where you might have multiple same time appointments. You can double-click in the appointment list to edit and right click to delete. I hid your edit and delete buttons because they are only used for the timetable tabelgrid (tablegrid1) and not the appointment list tablegrid (tablegrid2). They are activated by double clicking or right-clicking in the timetable tablegrid. The add button remains as is.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon ExampleTimeTable using TableGrid (2).zip 351.85 kb, 294 downloads since 2020-06-18 

Re: Calendar _ how to do one

Thank you ehwagner.