Re: What to implement first?

How about opening MyVisualDatabase to plugins developed by the community? With a very strong validation process to make sure that data and privacy cannot be compromised, I think that would bring some awesome features.

Re: What to implement first?

tcoton wrote:

How about opening MyVisualDatabase to plugins developed by the community? With a very strong validation process to make sure that data and privacy cannot be compromised, I think that would bring some awesome features.

это обязательно повысить популярность MVDB,  но я считаю, что еще рано это делать.

Re: What to implement first?

sibprogsistem wrote:
tcoton wrote:

How about opening MyVisualDatabase to plugins developed by the community? With a very strong validation process to make sure that data and privacy cannot be compromised, I think that would bring some awesome features.

это обязательно повысить популярность MVDB,  но я считаю, что еще рано это делать.

Я не согласен, я думаю, что на ранних этапах это лучшее время, чтобы открыть и приветствовать сообщество программистов и разработчиков, которые могут способствовать расширению MVD. Это будет отличным дополнением к работе, которую DriveSoft проделал до сих пор.


Re: What to implement first?

tcoton wrote:

How about opening MyVisualDatabase to plugins developed by the community? With a very strong validation process to make sure that data and privacy cannot be compromised, I think that would bring some awesome features.

If initially the project architecture was not designed for plug-ins, it is unlikely to be easy to screw this feature into a mature project. Specify what kind of plug-ins you want to see in this project? Visual components? Components for working with data (other DBMS)?

Usually a plugin replaces some standard module and differs from the rest only in appearance. Or the plugin uses API to expand the functionality of the system.

If I'm not mistaken, in the current implementation of script support, to add each new class, you need to rewrite the core of the program. I don’t even have an idea yet how this could be implemented, but the last word is up to the developer of this system.

In the meantime, you can use the standard DLL mechanism to expand functionality.

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

155 (edited by tcoton 2019-11-04 14:35:42)

Re: What to implement first?

As of now, I was thinking about simple to use plugins which would expand the functionalities like changing the application icon without having to disassemble it, encryption, specific icons for buttons, changing the look of the buttons/ interface, transparency, systray, skins, specific grids, specificities tree views, mapping, video, easy reports, etc...

Re: What to implement first?

What I'd really love to see in version 6.0 final is the ability to add your own application icon without the need to use external
programs to modify the resources.  I think is something that's not much overhead or complicated to include and it will
enhance MVD even further.  smile

157 (edited by Wood 2019-12-01 09:51:06)

Re: What to implement first?


Some ideas as improvements for the script editor:
a) Search text
b) Replace text
c) F1 on commands to open suitable help for the command
    e.g. take a look to scite editor from Autoit3
d) a marker to see whether script is saved or not (like in every editor or word, excel etc.)

Kind Regards

01.12.2019 - Meanwhile I found this:
Control + f = search text
Control + h = replace text

Things like F1 for contextsensitive help,  Autocomplete and Intellisense I'm still missing.
This would be a very great enhancement for the editor and very helpful.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Editor_Enhancements.png 13.2 kb, 226 downloads since 2019-12-01 

158 (edited by Wood 2019-12-01 16:22:18)

Re: What to implement first?


Just another proposal to get more overview and to simplify the work with MVD a little bit:

What about also listing the procedures on the right panel (with classes, functions etc.) and including them in the actions property of buttons too? See example in the picture.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Calling_Procedures_20191201.png 64.84 kb, 261 downloads since 2019-12-01 

159 (edited by Kn0xx 2020-01-21 22:02:33)

Re: What to implement first?

Im not an expert in MVD, but i find myself a bit "lost" on the script "tab", I think it helps to have multiple "script tab" for code organization in multiple forms.

And I did found that I cant parse a text file bigger than 10mb ( yes its large, and based on import/export example ).

Better MDI forms, it would be nice to have tree like DataGrid options ( is it called nested ? )

and unique feature to have multiple users Sqlite, Server-Client ( i know the limitations of SQLlite, but someone already made some working prototype in CodeProject.)

ty for the great application.

Re: What to implement first?

hello ! thanks you for information
if you can help me i have problem in my projet
of calculated field

Re: What to implement first?


In the meantime, you can use the standard DLL mechanism to expand functionality.

Do you have an example how to use the standard DLL mechanism from MyVisualDatabase?


Re: What to implement first?

teco049 wrote:


In the meantime, you can use the standard DLL mechanism to expand functionality.

Do you have an example how to use the standard DLL mechanism from MyVisualDatabase?

Use DynamicWrapperX -

function DLL:variant;
    var DW:variant;
    DW := CreateOleObject('DynamicWrapperX');
    DW.Register('kernel32.dll', 'Beep', 'i=uu');
    DW.Register('user32.dll', 'GetSystemMetrics', 'i=l','r=l');
    // Функции вашей DLL
    result := dw;
    DW := nil;

procedure Form1_Button1_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
 var i : integer;
  ShowMessage('Монитор: ' +
  IntToStr(dll.GetSystemMetrics(0))+ 'x' +

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.


Re: What to implement first?


will there be other objects available in near future?
You could start with simple objects like LINE, CIRCLE, RECTANGLE.
It would make MVD more comfortable.

What do you think about it?

Kind Regards


Re: What to implement first?

I used Softvelocity (formerly Topspeed) Clarion for Windows many years ago. When creating a new form for a table, Clarion gave an option to have either 1) a browse/table-grid form, or, 2)  an Add/Edit form automatically generated.  It simply took all fields for the selected table and placed them down the form with a label (the field name) and Add-Edit-Del-Exit buttons (Add/Edit form) some Save-Cancel buttons (browse form).  This auto-generated form could then be modified as needed.  It saved quite a bit of keyboard work and basic CRUD applications (even with many tables) could be created very, very quickly.  Most of a developers time was spent on the event driven programming.

Re: What to implement first?

tbo wrote:

I used Softvelocity (formerly Topspeed) Clarion for Windows many years ago. When creating a new form for a table, Clarion gave an option to have either 1) a browse/table-grid form, or, 2)  an Add/Edit form automatically generated.  It simply took all fields for the selected table and placed them down the form with a label (the field name) and Add-Edit-Del-Exit buttons (Add/Edit form) some Save-Cancel buttons (browse form).  This auto-generated form could then be modified as needed.  It saved quite a bit of keyboard work and basic CRUD applications (even with many tables) could be created very, very quickly.  Most of a developers time was spent on the event driven programming.


Thank you for the feedback, it's planned.


Re: What to implement first?

MVD Team--

Can we maybe get the database tables section of the software adjustable? Sometimes the field names or the computed fields and difficult to read/view?


167 (edited by derek 2020-04-04 20:49:57)

Re: What to implement first?

Hi Scribtx,
One option might be to click on the 'show the database schema' button which opens up a window where tables can be resized, dragged around to perhaps make relationships clearer etc  (please see attached).
Could this be a workaround for you?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon tableschema.jpg 140.05 kb, 240 downloads since 2020-04-04 

Re: What to implement first?


I currently use your suggestion but, I was trying to find an easier way. smile



Re: What to implement first?

If at all possible I think a 'lock' property at design time for components on a form as in Delphi would be useful.

On a clear disk you can seek forever


Re: What to implement first?

I suggest a new property for Comboboxes.

The option for it to 'SELECT' by DISTINCT or not. Currently the SQL it uses for populating the combobox just uses SELECT, and for many purposes this is fine. But there are cases where it would be useful to populate the combobox using SELECT DISTINCT, and a property to enable or disable this option would be nice.

On a clear disk you can seek forever

171 (edited by Wood 2020-07-10 13:10:14)

Re: What to implement first?

I have two suggestions for improvement.

a) it would be very useful, if renaming of a fieldname in a table would lead automatically to a renaming in the scripts, forms, sql-statements and relations too. This would help to reduce development time a lot, because you could make corrections very quick or develop an application as a kind of template. Just copy the project and rename fields (and labels) as needed and you have a new application.

b) it would be also helpful, if at least a caption could be changed in the object directly instead of first clicking on the object and then clicking into the the caption field of the properties. Maybe this could work with a double click on it and maybe it would work for some other properties too.

Kind Regards

Re: What to implement first?

k245 wrote:
function DLL:variant;
    var DW:variant;
    DW := CreateOleObject('DynamicWrapperX');
    DW.Register('kernel32.dll', 'Beep', 'i=uu');
    DW.Register('user32.dll', 'GetSystemMetrics', 'i=l','r=l');
    // Функции вашей DLL
    result := dw;
    DW := nil;

procedure Form1_Button1_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
 var i : integer;
  ShowMessage('Монитор: ' +
  IntToStr(dll.GetSystemMetrics(0))+ 'x' +


Можно ли передать в функцию DLL тип данных список TStringList, например так:

..... //создаём объект библиотеки и регистрируем функции...
//создаём список
  names  : TStringList;

  names := TStringList.Create;
  names.CommaText := 'Neil=45, Brian=63, Jim=22';

any_dll.any_func(names);   // пробуем вызвать функцию внешней библиотеки и передать ей список names

В оригинале кода функции передаётся тип данных RECORD, но MVDB не поддерживает этот тип.

173 (edited by thezimguy 2020-08-02 21:37:10)

Re: What to implement first?

Hi family, Dmitry,
Please, is there any chance that MVD will support the following soon?
1. Creating views in MVD.
2. Options buttons
3. Run time privileges editor for users with multiple privileges
Thank you


Re: What to implement first?

Desprately looking for.......

Radio button
RTF Component:
♦♦♦ Like in DBImages, linked save option with delete function. This delete function should apply linked DBImage files too.
♦♦♦ Forced custom font option in properties.
♦♦♦ JPEG etc options
♦♦♦ Screen capture to clipboard
♦♦♦ Paste images from clipboard
Menu System
App. custom exe icon applied via form1 properties

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

175 (edited by rbknathan 2020-08-15 16:37:38)

Re: What to implement first?

MVD is awesome. Its growing stable with new features.

Its good to have below features.

1) New field called sql in the combo box object inspector which accept such as 'select name from person where cond'
2) For the combo box the refering table don't have id then id to be used as 1,2,3.. Right now it's saying can't find id column
3) Support to SQLite functions like ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY name) ( … _functions) in script
4) Allow to have custom names for relationships to have the names as meaningful.
5) For combobox introduce a property called value -> text / id. For example, if we have a separate table for gender and person table. Then it makes sense like storing the gender text (M/F) in person table.
6) radio button
7) date time picker
8) improved navigation in script editor.
9) listbox