Topic: Order by multiple items with ascending and descending order

Hi all,
I'm trying to order table grid by two items (columns) but I'm not sure what is syntax. For example, ORDER BY customers.date_registered - DESCENDING; ASCENDING.
I'll attach screenshot from my example.

Thanks in advance,


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Attachment icon order by.png 12.75 kb, 87 downloads since 2020-10-04 

Re: Order by multiple items with ascending and descending order

Try it like this (see attached).
Separate your columns with a comma and specify desc for descending (ascending is the default so is not required).

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 336.52 kb, 207 downloads since 2020-10-04 

Re: Order by multiple items with ascending and descending order

Hi my man, this works great. Thanks for help.
