Topic: Need Help with Calculation

I'm new to MVD and databases in general so please be kind lol.   I have searched  every where and tried lots of different ways with out any luck and now I have come to a stop.   I need to calculate on the form Textbox..  I have 3 x Textboxes   Cost,  Tax GST, and Total Price, All products are calculated at 10% tax rate, I need it to show the GST Tax Value
Cost $45.00,   GST $4.50,  Total   $49.50

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Cost Showing GST Amount.JPG 14.35 kb, 93 downloads since 2020-10-09 

Re: Need Help with Calculation

Here's a sample.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 493.11 kb, 248 downloads since 2020-10-09 


Re: Need Help with Calculation

brian.zaballa Thank you so much that worked perfectly,  that was exactly what I was after,
I was like a one legged duck in a pond going round in circles 
Thanks again