Topic: Code Libraries

While I am still new to MVD (and Pascal in general) I am sure I will use the terms in an improper manner, but hopefully can get across my desired point.

I have some routines (code) that I would like to share across multiple projects.  I would like to put the routines in a "common code" file and then include them wherever I want to use those functions & procedures.  In MVD can this be done and what is the proper terminology I should be using to accomplish this?


Re: Code Libraries

I would like to add, from the pages of the gurus... if these libraries are capable to be done, do you suffer loading the entire library or only the code you need (more of a Link time functionality?  Is there a way to manage pieces within a library, etc....


Re: Code Libraries

kweatherhead wrote:

I would like to add, from the pages of the gurus... if these libraries are capable to be done, do you suffer loading the entire library or only the code you need (more of a Link time functionality?  Is there a way to manage pieces within a library, etc....


You can only use the "Uses" and include .pas file which is a raw code of your libraries.

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Re: Code Libraries

brian.zaballa wrote:
kweatherhead wrote:

I would like to add, from the pages of the gurus... if these libraries are capable to be done, do you suffer loading the entire library or only the code you need (more of a Link time functionality?  Is there a way to manage pieces within a library, etc....


You can only use the "Uses" and include .pas file which is a raw code of your libraries.


Again a great example  !!   I presume that you must distribute your Libs with your app if deploying on another system, correct?
MVD does not make a lib.dcu  correct?


Re: Code Libraries

kweatherhead wrote:
brian.zaballa wrote:
kweatherhead wrote:

I would like to add, from the pages of the gurus... if these libraries are capable to be done, do you suffer loading the entire library or only the code you need (more of a Link time functionality?  Is there a way to manage pieces within a library, etc....


You can only use the "Uses" and include .pas file which is a raw code of your libraries.


Again a great example  !!   I presume that you must distribute your Libs with your app if deploying on another system, correct?
MVD does not make a lib.dcu  correct?


Yes., So try not to include critical scripts in there. smile


Re: Code Libraries

10-4 !!
