Topic: Bug when editing SQLite table field names

Hello Drivesoft,

There is a problem when attempting to edit a SQLite table field name by clicking on the edit symbol. I can change field name letters (eg change "a" to "b") but changing the case of a field name letter (eg "A" to "a") does not work. To overcome this I have been deleting the field and then adding it again but of course I cannot do this on a working data file as it results in loss of data. I'm using MVD 6.4 on Windows 10 64bit.

Can you advise when a version with a bug fix can be released please.


Re: Bug when editing SQLite table field names

Hi David,
More of a workaround than a proper fix but I've edited the relevant entries in the tables.ini file before and it's never presented any follow-on problems.

Re: Bug when editing SQLite table field names

Hi Derek,
thank you for the reply with the workaround. I'm wondering if it might be permanent.
Best regards,