Topic: (case when xyz = 1 then 'A' else 'B' end) ???

(case when xyz = 1 then 'A' else 'B' end)

=> how can i change the condition "1" to the condition "(text-)field is empty", then 'A'... if "not empty" then 'B'

Re: (case when xyz = 1 then 'A' else 'B' end) ???

here is a very easy way

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Re: (case when xyz = 1 then 'A' else 'B' end) ???

Hi Both,
Another option is to use a calculated field (please see the attached for the syntax).

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Attachment icon empty not 338.9 kb, 242 downloads since 2021-02-16 

Re: (case when xyz = 1 then 'A' else 'B' end) ???

second example

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