1 (edited by the3dmen 2021-02-27 21:06:00)

Topic: Search result between two dates

Search result between to dates
i mean i need a technique to search results between 2 dates
example all queries between 01/01/2021 tilm 01/02/2021

Re: Search result between two dates

You do not need to implement a script for this, in the properties of the date objects look for filter and define if you look for equal, greater, less etc ...

Re: Search result between two dates

ex please

4 (edited by derek 2021-02-27 21:38:18)

Re: Search result between two dates

Attached is an example of searching for records between 2 dates.
Also see the screenshot in the attachment (the filter for form1.datetimepicker1 is set to >=, the filter for form1.datetimepicker2 is set to <=)..

Post's attachments

Attachment icon search between 2 dates.zip 485.12 kb, 535 downloads since 2021-02-27 

Re: Search result between two dates

derek wrote:

Attached is an example of searching for records between 2 dates.
Also see the screenshot in the attachment (the filter for form1.datetimepicker1 is set to >=, the filter for form1.datetimepicker2 is set to <=)..

for Derek as  solution
print "thanks" ++
    return i appreciate ;